
How To Fix SkyUI Not Working 

Facing issues with Skyui not working? In this article, we will discuss the most effective and simple ways to solve the issue.

SkyUI is an interface mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim that is on both the Steam Workshop and the Skyrim Nexus. It was created by sneakers, Mardoxx and T3T. The latest version of SKSE is required to run SkyUI.

While starting Skyrim, you may see some error codes sometimes. Nevertheless, receiving any form of mistake appears annoying, regardless of how straightforward the solutions are.

Skyrim is a very popular and iconic ROG that was developed by Bethesda Game Studio. Skyrim, a fantasy role-playing game (RPG) created by Bethesda Game Studios, allows players to apply unique changes (mods) to the game with the use of robust mod tools like the Skyrim Script Extender.

And gamers who play Skyrim are familiar with the modding tool for adding functionality to mods, which is known as Skyrim Script Extender.

The fact that is a pretty handy tool for including features, in proving graphics ain’t disputable.

However, gamers have had complaints about different SKSE errors. The most common of all is the issue of the ‘ SkyUi not working’ problem with the SkuUi error code 1. And this occurs when the game is launched.

Another reason can be because of file corruption during installation. And besides this, the lack of admin privilege and proper configuration can elevate the SkyUI error code 1.

And due to the complaints, experts got together to solve the problem, and during their findings, they concluded that any issue with the executable SKSE64 can trigger the SkyUI not working instance.

So make sure to pay attention to the details in this article to get acquainted with important details concerning SkyUi and how to fix it.

Proceed to the post for more information.

What Causes The SkyUi Error

Sure Skyrim games are packed with fun and additional features and modifications thanks to Skyrim Script Extender.

As a gamer, you are likely to encounter a little popup that displays the error number of the issue and some additional information if certain problematic conditions might hinder you from starting and using the SkyUi mod installation.

And below are some of the potential causes of the sky error code when the SKSE program is run on the computer:

  • If the application was started without Administrator Privileges, then there’d be an error.
  • The installation of the application was interrupted or improperly completed.
  • The SKSE64’s settings were either incorrectly set up or unsuitable for modification.
  • Using an inappropriate location to install the game can also be the cause of the error.

How To Fix SkyUi Not Working

Below are some of the most effective ways to solve the issue of SkyUi code errors:

Relocate the Game Folder

This method’s effectiveness is under probability. The game folder is normally found in the C:\ drive. And suppose your game has been installed somewhere other than C:\ drive, then you will encounter SkyUi not working error.

Steam can’t find the right game file to run when you try launching the game from Steam.

Here’s how you can address this problem:

  • First, open Steam and head to the game’s directory.
  • Then rught-clcok the games directory and select the Properties operation from the menu.
  • Go to the Local Files tab and strike the Browse button. This will redirect you to the SSE game folder.
  • After that, you can move the game folder to the C:\ drive and launch the game from Steam.

This should eradicate the SkyUI not working issue. And make sure to check if the SkyUI error code 1 has been solved after launching the mod application.

Reinstall the Skyrim Script Extender Application

Sometimes the files might have not been installed properly. And some files required for the insertion of modifications might not be included in the SKSE, it has not been installed properly

To ensure the proper functionality of SKSE and to resolve the problem, you’d have to reinstall it correctly.

And there are two main ways to install it, and below are the two methods for properly installing SKSE:

Manually install the SKSE

  • Go to the SKSE website, and download the SKSE setup.
  • After that, install it wherever you deem convenient for easy access. It will be kept in SKSE64 2 00 04 folders.
  • Then enter the folder as well as the second one bearing sathe my name.
  • Selected files include skse64 1 5 3.dll, se64 loader.exe, skse64 steam loader.dll, and dll.
  • Then, open the Data > Scripts folder in the SKSE64 2 00 04 folders by returning there.
  • And finally, copy, and paste the copied files into all the game’s script folders after choosing all of the.PEX files.

Use the Mod Manager

  • Download SKSE from the website and install it.
  • Go into the Data folder, right-click on the Scripts folder and select Add to archive.
  • Input the newly generated archive with a new name that suits you.
  • And with the use of any mod installer, like Vortex, WB, or MO2, extract this file.

And suppose there is an update, you have to replace the existing script .pex files with their latest version. Or you can just uncheck the available skse64 archive and install the latest update.

Launch SKSE64 with Administrator Privileges

This is the easiest solution available for the SkyUi issue. The Skyrim Script Extender requires administrator rights to mod the existing Skyrim game.

The following are guidelines on how to add admin privileges to the SKSE Executive File:

  • Pilot to the game’s directory and find the executable file of SKSE64.
  • Then, Right-click the file and select the Properties option from the pop-up menu.
  • Go to the Compatibility tab when the Properties window shows up.
  • There is a box next to an option bar that states ‘Run This Program as an Administrator’.
  • And finally, save all the changes by clicking on ‘Apply’ and then click on ‘OK’
  • By doing this, it saves your preference, and you need to restart your PC.

Conclusion On How To Fix SkyUi Not Working

In summary, Skyrim is one of the best and most fun action RPGs out there. Due to its competitive gaming community, players are vigorously adding mods that are important for a remarkable gaming experience.

And no need to fret anymore, just follow the guidelines and solutions in the article and surely the problem will be solved.

Make sure to pay attention to the details in the post to get desired result/ outcome.

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